Liu Qi 劉琦
Leisurely 御風, 2019
Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本
140 x 69 cm
Copyright The Artist
「御風」這詞原先是出自《莊子·逍遙游》:「夫列子御風而行,泠然善也。」 ,意思是乘風飛行,亦代表了神仙在飛行的模樣。 劉琦在作品《御風》裏利用古代璧畫描繪肖象「簡而精」的規律,他的靈感是來自於古代中國畫裡人物策騎駿馬,衣衫飛揚的逍遙姿態。 《御風》裏的現代小女孩並不是劉琦個人虛構出來,他以女兒作為藍本,並且著力轉化其造型成為具文化意義的符號,小女孩面貌從容,線條簡潔幹凈,人物表情沒有太大的起伏。畫中女孩的造型是整張作品的亮點:純凈的白衫與彩色的水滴圖案,還有她一頭清爽的短發,一切都滲透著小孩清純的童真模樣。同時,藝術家落筆幹脆地勾勒出揚飛的衣衫,與小女孩的造型一同貫徹了乘風時應有的「乾爽」,使整張作品看起來有著一脈相承的關連。 劉琦借小女孩(女兒)在風中堅定的模樣,對未來下一代的年輕人施以祝福:不論多少風雨,要有著堅定的心,專心一意地堅持自己心中的美好。 The phrase Leisurely, or 'to ride the wind' is originally from 'Zhuangzi - The Journey to the Far and Wide World': 'When Liezi is walking...
「御風」這詞原先是出自《莊子·逍遙游》:「夫列子御風而行,泠然善也。」 ,意思是乘風飛行,亦代表了神仙在飛行的模樣。
The phrase Leisurely, or "to ride the wind" is originally from "Zhuangzi - The Journey to the Far and Wide World": "When Liezi is walking on wind, he glides through it.” It means to fly in the wind, and represents gods in flight.
Liu Qi applies ancient figuration techniques and patterns in this painting, particularly drawing reference to figures on horses, which were often depicted in ancient Chinese painting.
In Leisurely, a little girl is shown in profile, standing rigidly with her arms by her sides, reminiscent of the treatment of figures on ancient wall reliefs and carvings. This little girl is in fact not an imaginary character, but inspired by the artist’s own daughter. Rendered with strong, clean lines and depicted with a blank facial expression, the focus is on her attire: a billowing white shirt with colourful polka dots paired with a crisp bob haircut. Exuding a sense of childlike pureness, the girl’s appearance and carefree demeanour express the sentiment of leisure in the work’s title.
Leisurely is also a blessing for the next generation to be steadfast when facing the “wind”. No matter the difficulties one faces, one should be persistent in pursuing one’s desires.
The phrase Leisurely, or "to ride the wind" is originally from "Zhuangzi - The Journey to the Far and Wide World": "When Liezi is walking on wind, he glides through it.” It means to fly in the wind, and represents gods in flight.
Liu Qi applies ancient figuration techniques and patterns in this painting, particularly drawing reference to figures on horses, which were often depicted in ancient Chinese painting.
In Leisurely, a little girl is shown in profile, standing rigidly with her arms by her sides, reminiscent of the treatment of figures on ancient wall reliefs and carvings. This little girl is in fact not an imaginary character, but inspired by the artist’s own daughter. Rendered with strong, clean lines and depicted with a blank facial expression, the focus is on her attire: a billowing white shirt with colourful polka dots paired with a crisp bob haircut. Exuding a sense of childlike pureness, the girl’s appearance and carefree demeanour express the sentiment of leisure in the work’s title.
Leisurely is also a blessing for the next generation to be steadfast when facing the “wind”. No matter the difficulties one faces, one should be persistent in pursuing one’s desires.