Xiao Xu 蕭旭
Instant 刹那, 2019
Ink on paper 水墨紙本
125 x 245 cm
Copyright The Artist
The viewer, when looking at one of his paintings, is confronted with and immersed in both macroscopic and microscopic landscapes simultaneously. Xiao's paintings are not a direct record of visual...
The viewer, when looking at one of his paintings, is confronted with and immersed in both macroscopic and microscopic landscapes simultaneously. Xiao's paintings are not a direct record of visual experience, but the experience of observing different aspects of things from different angles, distances, and times. It is to reconstruct these experiences into a whole new world. To Xiao, the meaning of reconstruction is not only the form of the image or its real existence, but also the spirituality brought by experienced events, which is thus integrated into a grand visual rendered by his dark palette, highlighting contemporary life. In Instant, the world has fallen into disorder; the uneven landscape portrays a hypnotic turmoil of sorts, warped geometrical mazes in which clusters of clouds, ranges of mountains, and sections of houses swirl colliding and creating a distorted vibration. He continues the technique of traditional landscape painting as a frame around current situations.