Qin Ai 秦艾
Secluded Galahad 豹隱, 2019
Ink and colour on paper 水墨設色紙本
72 x 153 cm
Copyright The Artist
Secluded Galahad (2019) is inspired by one of the short stories from the Han dynasty classic, Biographies of Exemplary Women, a literary compilation of biographical accounts of exemplary women in...
Secluded Galahad (2019) is inspired by one of the short stories from the Han dynasty classic, Biographies of Exemplary Women, a literary compilation of biographical accounts of exemplary women in ancient China. The story tells the tale of a black panther living in Zhongnan Mountain, the cradle of Taoism. In order to transform into a leopard, the panther fasted and lived in seclusion for seven days and seven nights. In real life, the black panther represents a gentleman (junzi), a person with dignity and high life standards. The black panther transforming to become the leopard symbolizes the journey of the gentleman, who overcame the harsh realities of the world to find his own inner peace after fully understanding the circle of life (karma). For Qin Ai, the painting represents “rebirth” after conquering obstacles and also highlights the importance of maintaining a positive outlook in life.
對於此作,秦艾提及:「豹隱」 古人一般用來比喻潔身自好,隱居而不仕。「終南山裏隱 翠蓋在崖巔 漫漫來時路 分明到眼前」這是父親根據畫面配的詩,這四句詩已經充分表達了此畫的意境。
對於此作,秦艾提及:「豹隱」 古人一般用來比喻潔身自好,隱居而不仕。「終南山裏隱 翠蓋在崖巔 漫漫來時路 分明到眼前」這是父親根據畫面配的詩,這四句詩已經充分表達了此畫的意境。