
Ora-Ora is pleased to announce its first participation in Digital Art Fair Asia, comprising contributions from two of its leading digital artists: Henry Chu and Genesis Kai.


Ora-Ora’s digital art proposition is consistent with the gallery’s mission to explore the frontiers of possibility, both in philosophy and in technology. The Digital Art Fair follows Ora-Ora’s recent digital art exhibition at its gallery in May 2023, titled “Buds that May,” in which both Henry Chu and Genesis Kai participated.


Their work will continue Ora-Ora’s dialogue on what is real and what isn’t, what is permanent and what is temporary. These dichotomies and dilemmas form parallels in the digital landscape which offers a verisimilitude of reality, or perhaps an alternative world, part of, and no less real than ours.


Commenting on Ora-Ora’s first participation in the Digital Art Fair Asia, CEO and Co-founder of Ora-Ora Dr. Henrietta Tsui-Leung said: “We support the Digital Art Fair’s vision to embrace the use of digital technology, and to explore the meeting point between technological innovation and the beauty of art and culture. That frontier between utility and insight into real human truths is where digital art comes into its own.”


The participation of Ora-Ora will subtly spotlight the transformative effects of technology in our daily lives, and a sense of wonder, energy and forward momentum. The warmth of technological possibility will itself form an embrace for the visitor.


Hong Kong-based Henry Chu is a Hong Kong–based designer, programmer, and digital artist, whose oeuvre often harnesses data, music and body movements in real time. He will be presenting “Waterfall Piano,” a brand new artwork inspired by the heavy rainfall that hit Hong Kong in September 2023. Two other works are included, “I’m Almost Done” and “Last Minute” (both 2023) which features the blooming and withering of a flower which beats in a rhythm of the artist’s heart. The allusion to flowers is consistent with a link Ora-Ora has drawn between flowers, buds and blooms and the transience of the seasons and long-lasting romantic memory; these elements form a bond with the digital world’s depiction of reality, a reality which offers contrasts of permanence and temporality.


Genesis Kai has been conceived and brought to life by international new media artist Ming Shiu. She is being simultaneously shown by Ora-Ora at Asia NOW 2023 in Paris. On display will be “The Red Prayer of Park Young Sook’s Moon Jar III & IV.” Stemming from Korean Joseon ceramics, the moon jar forms the centrepiece. The moon jar morphs into a glowing celestial body interconnected with Genesis’ non-human body and navigates the theme of lunar prayer. The moon jar is depicted as a cocoon of light that explores the human desire to seek answers and hope through forms of prayer. In the words of Genesis Kai, the core cultural values of the moon jars revolve around “self-reflection, purity, prayer and tranquillity” and her work explores how this and future generations will interact with the complex traditions and connection points of Asia’s diverse cultures.


In a spirit of openness, discovery and momentum, Ora-Ora will be showing new works not before seen in Hong Kong.

Vues de l'exposition