XU LEI Born in the Chinese city of Nantong in Jiangsu Province, Xu Lei studied at Nanjing’s Arts University, graduating in 1984. Beginning his artistic career at a crossroads in...
XU LEI Born in the Chinese city of Nantong in Jiangsu Province, Xu Lei studied at Nanjing’s Arts University, graduating in 1984. Beginning his artistic career at a crossroads in Chinese history, Xu Lei’s path has embraced traditional techniques and explorative openness to innovation. He harnesses the most technically demanding materials, painting on silk and paper, using his brush with water, ink and mineral pigments. Referring to his understanding of the past, Xu Lei remarked “Change can move forwards or backwards. Moving backwards is not conservatism or a retreat, but a retracing and reviving of valuable points of departure in history.” His paintings feature recurrent symbols and clues to meanings such as might be featured in poetry, the placing of which create paintings imbued with a characteristic atmosphere. His paintings featured in the landmark 1998 exhibition “A Century in Crisis: Modernity and Tradition in the Art of the Twentieth-Century China,” organized by Julia Andrews and Kuiyi Shen at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. Xu Lei’s paintings spring from the well of Chinese philosophical and literary history, but are also influenced by western thinkers and philosophers including Sigmund Freud. Xu Lei’s paintings are in private collections and prominent museums in Asia and the US, including the Shanghai Art Museum, the Nanjing Art Institute, the Today Art Museum and Asian Division of the Library of Congress, Washington DC.